Handling a Difficult Customer
Module 1:
- Getting Started
- Workshop Objectives
Module 2:
- The Right Attitude Starts with You
- Be Grateful
- Make Gratitude a Habit
- Keep your Body Healthy
- Invoke Inner peace
- Case Study
Module 3:
- Communication
- Ways we Communicate
- Improving Nonverbal Communication
- Listening
- Openness and Honesty
- Case Study
Module 4:
- Teamwork
- Identifying Capabilities
- Get into Your Role
- Learn the Whole Process
- The Power of Flow
- Case Study
Module 5:
- Problem-Solving
- Define The Problem
- Generate Alternative Solutions
- Evaluate The Plans
- Implementation and Re-Evaluation
- Case Study
Module 6:
- Time Management
- The Art of Scheduling
- Prioritizing
- Managing Distractions
- The Multitasking Myth
- Case Study
Module 7:
- Attitude and Work Ethic
- What are You Working For?
- Caring for Others vs Caring for Self
- Building Trust
- Work Is Its Own Reward
- Case Study
Module 8:
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Getting Over The Good Old Days Syndrome
- Changing to Manage Process
- Changing to Manage People
- Showing You’re Worth Your Weight
- Case Study
Module 9:
- Self-Confidence (Owing It)
- Confident Traits
- Self Questionnaire
- Surefire Self-Confidence Building Tactics
- Build Up Others
- Case Study
Module 10:
- Ability To Learn From
- Wow, You Mean I’m Not Perfect?
- Listen with an Open Mind
- Analyze and Learn
- Clear The Air
- Case Study
Module 11:
- Networking
- Redefined Need
- Identifying Other’s Interest
- Reach out
- When to Back Off
- Case Study
Module 12:
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