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Crisis Management

Crisis management is as important to any company as finance management and personnel management. Having a clear and effective ... Show more
  • Description
  • Curriculum
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  1. Course Objectives

Module 1

  1. Crisis
  2. Internal Risks
  3. External Risks
  4. Aggression
  5. Violence
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 2

  1. Workplace Violence
  2. Threats
  3. Damage
  4. Psychological Acts
  5. Physical Acts
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 3

  1. Myths
  2. Violence Just Happens
  3. It Is Uncommon
  4. Problems Will Solve Themselves
  5. It Is Not Possible to Prevent Violence
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 4

  1. Escalation
  2. Threats
  3. Stalking and Bullying
  4. Injury
  5. Death
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 5

  1. Concerning Behaviours
  2. Disruptive
  3. Emotional Abuse
  4. Causes Anxiety
  5. Examples of Behavior
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 6

  1. Domestic Violence Indicators
  2. Disruptive Calls
  3. Poor Concentration
  4. Bruising
  5. Absences
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 7

  1. Triggers of Workplace Violence
  2. Reprimands and Terminations
  3. Financial Strain
  4. Loss of Loved One
  5. Perceived Slights
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 8

  1. Conflict Dangers
  2. Triggers
  3. Action Point
  4. Flashpoint
  5. Identify
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 9

  1. Response
  2. Note Areas of Concern
  3. Discuss It
  4. Report It
  5. Report Extreme Cases to HR/Tip Line
  6. Knowledge Check

Module 10

  1. Strategies
  2. Policies
  3. Programs
  4. Emergency Procedures
  5. Train Employees
  6. Knowledge Check


  1. Post Test
Course details
Lectures 1
Level Intermediate

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